Category Archives: SPARQL

The Gargonza Experiment

Only a few weeks after SPARQLing Days I’m now finally ready to report some progress…

2005-05-07: Updated to version 0.3, see changelog below.


As is now common knowledge, one outcome of the great gathering in Tuscany is The Gargonza Experiment, which attempts to create a set of showcases for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the SPARQL Query Language for RDF. Already the “community theatre” has gained a bit of steam and an increasing number of followers, and I’m sure there’ll be more to come as people get the stuff they started working on completed. To keep up-to-date, I suggest y’all subscribe to Planet RDF or at least to the Gargonza Experiment category that Danny Ayers — my gracious host for a few days following the main event — is maintaining.

image-101: Gargonza

To assist in that goal, I’ve made a subset of my photo description database available for SPARQL queries via Sparqlette — A SPARQL demo query service. The subset currently contains only descriptions of the photos taken during SPARQLing Days, and not all photos have been through my annotation process, there are still some foaf:depicts triples to be made…

Continue reading The Gargonza Experiment

Sparqling Days

Just like Leigh and Danny — among several other smart people — I’ve been lucky enough to get invited to Sparqling Days, 2 days of likely intense hacking on querying RDF with SPARQL, orchestrated by @semantics.

Unfortunately, several people, among them Leigh whom I have still to meet over beer, can’t make it, but there’s at least one bonus, I finally get to meet Danny Ayers, the man of steel and father of Sparql-the-cat.

I’m sure this will turn out to be quite a nice trip, from what I hear Italy is a very nice country, and the team hacking session will likely help advance the state of RDF query and provide implementations of nice demo applications.