All posts by Morten Høybye Frederiksen

About Morten Høybye Frederiksen

Morten Høybye Frederiksen is a freelance developer working with the Semantic Web, mostly with FOAF (Friend-of-a-Friend) and other RDF vocabularies, trying to also uncover more general issues.


But sometimes the quote isn’t enough.

Sometimes, however, it is.

Other times, a link to the origin is enough.

PS: Should you, at some point over the next week or so, no longer be able to reach this or adjacent sites — don’t worry, it’s temporary due to a relocation, but it might last for a few weeks.


Over the last week, Planet RDF has seen more than a few posts and comments on the RDF/XML serialisation syntax, most of them looking into its (almost not enumerable) possible variations.

Danny Ayers has a great overview with reference to the expectations, not an unimportant point — as my boss always tells me: It’s all about controlling expectations.

All in all, I agree with most of the comments on the subject, even parts of the ones that don’t seem to agree with each other.

In short: RDF/XML is just a syntax (it’s the RDF model that counts), and while I generally find it acceptable, the variation is one aspect I hope I would have done different had I been involved. That would make it more accessible to XML tools such as XSLT, leading to easier ways of generating clean XML for other uses.

The subject of RDF/XML variation is as close to being a permathread as it can be, and I’ve participated before myself, mostly with regard to the R3X syntax subset. I’ve been doing a lot of XSLT as well, and three recommendations come to mind when considering a syntactic profile or subset of RDF/XML, to reduce the variation:

Drop the attribute form
Except for aesthetic reasons, it’s not necessary.
Don’t use typed nodes
While it may seem easier and smarter to write <foaf:Person>...</foaf:Person> than <rdf:Description><rdf:type rdf:resource="&foaf;Person"/>...</rdf:Description>, it makes it much harder to deal with nodes that have multiple types (and using named entities can help a lot too).
Sort and group
‘nuf said — don’t break statements about the same subject into different elements, keep them together and don’t nest at all.

That said, I don’t consider the deficiencies of RDF/XML to be serious enough to warrant a new XML syntax — after all, there are plenty of RDF/XML parsers out there by now, and the real challenges lies elsewhere (see: Crisis, LargeTripleStores, and Tagtriples + identity precision).

Uncle Squared

Things haven’t been less hectic since my last progress report — I’m now officially entitled to the title “Uncle”, as my sister yesterday finally gave birth to Silke, her lovely daughter and my wonderful niece:

Silke, Gry og Hans

To top it off, (Aunt) Katrine’s brother and his wife came home from China tonight, bringing with them their new daughter Isabel, just as lovely and wonderful:


In other news, Katrine and I entered the bubbly housing market — we bought a house on Lellinge Allé, just outside central Copenhagen. We will be moving after October 1st, after which you’ll all be more than welcome to stop by! :-)

Elsewhere, Katrina is in the news and photo streams, and Tim Bray’s retrospect about Nawlins reminded me of when I was there, specifically of when I was walking down Basin Street and got “hustled” by a guy who claimed to be able to tell “where I got my shoes” for $10. Since I brought them from Denmark, I figured I’d be safe accepting the challenge, but he simply replied “On your feet”. Laughing hard, I just had to fork it over.

ObSemWeb: Prompted by Danny Ayers, I finally got around to releasing a new version of the FOAF Output plugin. It’s now at 1.17, with a few fixes and tweaks added since the last release (but still not tested with WP 1.5 and later).


The last months have been quite different from the previous ones.

A few data points:

  • I proposed to Katrine. She said yes.
  • We’re buying a house (Google Map).
  • At work I’m team lead for “Master Data” in a SAP project.
  • I got “awarded” a cell phone from work, a P910i.

Makes me wonder what’s ahead…